Wasi Noor Azam

Thank you for stumbling upon this website. I'm a mediamancer specializing in film, advertising & videogames.

Wasi's Website

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Acting Portfolio

Me as an Actor

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Adventure en scene

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My Director's Showreel

Director's Showreel

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My Life with Film

I started off my passion with film with a $50 handycam at the age of 15

I started to experiment with every part of the filmmaking process from writing to directing; moving onto acting and some VFX. If there is a part of the filmmaking process be it scouting some remote island in Polynesia or handing over water bottles to holding the camera.

Teenage Filmmaker Years

When I hit the nice age of 17, I started working for an advertising agency in Dhaka, Bangladesh.. Pretty soon I left that job in pursuit of shooting my own films. I started a very short-lived YouTube channel with a bunch of friends and created my first short film, titled "Subcontinental Batman Begins: Ridol Bhai'r Patch".

Subcontinental Batman Begins: Ridol Bhai's Patch

During my 20s

Experimenting and Figuring out my Style

During my 20s, I started to work in a lot more professional video work. I still tried to sneak in a few films here and there. The best thing that ever happened to me was getting into university to try and get my degree. During that time, I got the opporunity to make a lot of short films to experiment my craft.

A short film: W(dot)

W(dot): Be a Digital Superhero

A short film: Lojjaboti

Lojjaboti (2019) - Demo Short Film

Moving to Japan & filmmaking now

In my 30s now and I live in Japan!

Moving to Japan was a good idea. I found myself open to new dreams and broadened my horizons. I have worked more in film production than I ever have before. Made many new friends and collaborators and done a lot of projects that I am proud of. It feels like my journey with film in Japan has only just begun.

A still from an unreleased project
A still from an unreleased project
Thurtythree: Control [Official Video]